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treating Diabetic Gout

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  • treating Diabetic Gout

    Gout is an interesting annoyance. You can develop it through marasmus/ketosis and through eating too much purines.
    So what exactly is it. Gout is is when the protein needles deposit in joints.
    this is about half of what my foot looked like.
    After it subsided five weeks, the skin peeled away.
    To maintain control when you have gout limit your proteins. This is an absolute must. You will have to increase your carb just a little bit,since the proteins and acids bind to the carbs.
    USE INSULIN do not depend on oral medication to help with this. You can loose your foot if you are not careful.
    ELEVATE it when ever possible. since it causes pressure on teh s circulatory system you will have compromised circulation DO NOT wear anything tight. This will only add to your misery..
    Expect distal neuropathy for about three weeks. After the swelling goes down and your foot looks like a deflated balloon, neuropathy will be unbearable. Keep on pain killers.
    One bout can easily set you into more.
    GOUT is not control related, so don't think because you got a bout of gout your in poor control. its not about that. It happens to anyone at any time.